Youtube Channels

Cryptocurrency & blockchain youtbe channels

"Once the latest transaction in a coin is buried under enough blocks, the spent transactions before it can be discarded to save disk space. To facilitate this without breaking the block's hash, transactions are hashed in a Merkle Tree, with only the root included in the block's hash. Old blocks can then be compacted by stubbing off branches of the tree. The interior hashes do not need to be stored." (S. Nakamoto)

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  • The Cryptoverse - Your cryptocurrency news dose.
  • World Crypto Network - Informative news digests.
  • Crypt0 - Omar is one of the most popular crypto bloggers. He creates fascinating interviews.
  • Ameer Rosic - News, interviews, podcasts and reviews.
  • aantonop - Presentations, discussions, QA by Andreas, the author of "Mastering Bitcoin".
  • CoinSummit - CoinSummit records: startups showcases, discussions and presentations.
  • BitcoinFilm - Short films about people using Bitcoin.
  • Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Course - Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies course. 12 videos, each 45-90 mins.
  • CryptoPortfolio - YouTube channel reviewing ICOs and various cryptocurrencies.
  • CryptoBud - Technical and fundamental analysis on how to
  • Cryptotips - Heidi provides you with insights into projects, ICOs and ecosystem, as well as creating videos for beginners. invest in cryptocurrency.
  • EtherCasts - Ancient Ethereum news, reviews and interviews channel.
  • Bitcoin Playlist - Great list of 55 Bitcoin talks.
  • BiteSizeBitcoin - Great beginner guides. Trading and investing advices, podcasts and meetups.
  • Decentralized TV - Blockchain, Bitcoin, and Cryptocurrency News, Culture, and Entertainment.
  • Crypto Daily - Crypto news on (mostly) daily basis.

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